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MARK-II anti-skid testing machine

2024-05-09 15:14

This instrument measures the static friction coefficient between the specimen and the ground based on the principle of horizontal and vertical load components. It is portable and can be used to test the skid resistance of shoe soles and heel materials on dry, wet, or contaminated ground materials. This instrument can only test sole specimens alone and can test dry, wet, and oil tests.

Stick the cut sample onto the test piece fixture of the portable MARK-II anti-skid testing machine, lower the weight on the rotating support bracket of the test piece fixture, and apply a fixed force to the floor interface of the test piece. By tilting the rotating support bracket of the portable MARK-II anti-skid testing machine, the horizontal thrust on the test piece gradually increases until the test piece experiences instantaneous sliding. The friction coefficient value that the shoe sole test piece deals with before instantaneous sliding is the static friction coefficient of the test shoe sole on the floor interface, that is, the anti slip coefficient.

Compliant with standards:


Technical parameters:

Test piece size: 76.2 x 76.2mm

Ground area: above 4 '' x 4 ''

Ground requirements: Horizontal ground

Support thickness: 31.8mm

Bottom plate thickness: 3/4 ''

Volume: 44 × 26 × 48mm

Weight: 15kg

Random accessories:

Equipped with 2 anti slip interfaces, 1 thickness ruler, 5 sandpaper sheets, 1 cutting die, and 2 test piece holders.

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