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Comparison of China and EU mask testing equipment standards

2022-05-16 09:55

As people's awareness of the hazards of PM2.5 is getting stronger and stronger, the protection of PM2.5 is also increasing, and the use of masks is increasing. The country has also updated the "GB2626-2016 Respiratory Protective Equipment".

The new EU regulation PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 has been implemented. Masks belong to the three categories of "substances and mixtures endangering health". They must apply for certification in accordance with MODULE B+MODULE C/D, which is similar to the old regulations. Directive 89/686 /EEC Chapter 10 EC Type Examination Chapter 11 Section A/B.

1. Chinese Standard

Civil mask standard "GBT 32610-2016" and labor protection mask standard "GB2626-2006"

1. "GBT 32610-2016" national standard divides masks into four levels

The phenomenon of "regulating" or improving the implementation of the civilian protective mask market is non-standard. According to the standard, the protection level of masks is divided into four levels from low to high: D, C, B, A, corresponding to different air quality conditions.

Mask & Respirator Breathing Resistance Tester2.jpg

For example, class A corresponds to "severe pollution" and is used when the PM2.5 concentration is 500 μg/m3; class D corresponds to "moderate and low pollution" with PM2.5 concentration less than 150 μg/m3.

"Specifications" have strict requirements on packaging, labeling, storage and transportation, and the requirements include signs such as "Product Protection Effectiveness" and "Execution Standard Number".

2. GB2626-2006 divides masks into three grades: 90 (KN90, KP90), 95 (KN95, KP95), and 100 (KN100, KP100) according to the leakage rate of the mask and the filtering efficiency of the mask itself. This standard is closer to international standards, such as EU standard EN 149, NIOSH certified masks in the United States, AS 1716 in Australia, and JS-T-8151 in Japan.

2. EU standards

Products sold in the EU market must obtain CE certification. Since 2019, the new regulation (EU) 2016/425 will be enforced. All masks exported to the EU must obtain CE certification under the requirements of the new regulations. The EU standards for common respiratory products are as follows:

BS EN 149: 2001 Filtering Half Masks to protect against particles

BS EN 136: 1998 Full Face Masks - Class 1, 2, or3 Full Face Masks - Class 1, 2 or 3.

BS EN 140: 1999 Half/ Quarter Masks

BS EN 14387: 2006 Gas Filters & Combined Filters Air Filters and Combined Filters

BS EN 143: 2000 Particle Filters

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