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Flammability of Interior materials

2019-07-26 13:43

This standard specifies burn resistance requirements for materials used in the occupant compartment of motor vehicle.The purpose of this standard is to reduce the deaths and injuries to motor vehicle occupants caused by vehicle fires,especially those originating in the interior of the vehicle from sources such as matches or cigarette.
The test is conducted in a metal cabinet for protecting the test specimens from drafts. The interior of the cabinet is 381mm long,203mm deep,and 356mm high. It has a glass observation window in the front,a closable opening to permit insertion of specimen holder,and a hole to accommodate tubing for a gas burner.
FMVSS 302 Flammability of Interior materials-Test Condition
Condition Requirement
RH: 50 %;
Duration:24 h;
FMVSS 302 Flammability of Interior materials-Test requirement
1.Materials shall not burn,nor transmit a flam front across its surface,at a rete of more than 102mm/min
2.If a material stops burning before it has burned for 60 seconds from the start of timing,and has not burned more than 51mm from the point where timing was started, it shall be considered to meet the burn-rate requirement of the standard.
FMVSS 302 Flammability of Interior materials-Sample Required
 Test Procedure:
a.Mount the specimen so that both sides and one end are held by the U-shaped frame, and one end is even with the open end of the frame. Where the maximum available width of a specimen is not more than 51 mm, so that the sides of the specimen cannot be held in the U-shaped frame, place the specimen in position on wire supports as described in S5.1.3, with one end held by the closed end of the U-shaped frame.
b.Place the mounted specimen in a horizontal position, in the center of the cabinet.
c.With the flame adjusted according to S5.1.4, position the bunsen burner and specimen so that the center of the burner tip is 19 mm below the center of the bottom edge of the open end of the specimen.
d.Expose the specimen to the flame for 15 seconds.
e.Begin timing (without reference to the period of application of the burner flame) when the flame from the burning specimen reaches a point 38 mm from the open end of the specimen.
f.Measure the time that it takes the flame to progress to a point 38 mm from the clamped end of the specimen. If the flame does not reach the specified end point, time its progress to the point where flaming stops.
g.Calculate the burn rate from the formula: B = 60 × (D/T)
B = Burn rate in millimeters per minute
D = Length the flame travels in millimeters, and
T = Time in seconds for the flame to travel D millimeters.

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