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How to evaluate the durability of textiles? —The adaptal use guide for textiles

2023-03-28 10:48

The durability of textiles refers to their ability to retain their original quality and appearance after a certain amount of use and washing. A number of tests are required to assess the durability of textiles, the most common of which is the use of a textile abrasion meter.


A textile abrasion tester is a device designed to test the abrasion resistance of textiles, simulating the friction and wear that textiles are subjected to during use. The following is a guide to the use of the textile abrasion meter:

1. Preparation

Place the Textile Abrasion Tester on a smooth surface and connect the power and air supply. Depending on the thickness and nature of the textile material to be tested, select the appropriate abrasion head and abrasion cloth.

2. Mounting the textile

Fix the textile material to be tested on top of the Textile Abrasion Tester test bench and pull it tight. Take care to avoid excessive stretching and deformation of the material.

3. Starting the test

Turn on the power and air supply to the Textile Abrasion Tester, adjust the position and pressure of the abrasion head, select the test mode and start the test. During the test, the position and pressure of the wear head can be adjusted as necessary to simulate different usage conditions.

Martindale Abrasion Tester.jpg

4. Ending the test

Stop the test when the test time has reached the preset time or when the textile shows significant wear. The textile is removed and checked for wear and quality changes.

5. Data analysis

Based on the test results, the wear resistance and durability of the textile is analysed. The test results can be scored and classified according to different test criteria and requirements.

The textile abrasion meter is an important tool for assessing the durability of textiles, but the test results are only reference data and need to be evaluated in conjunction with actual use and other testing methods.

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