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Why doesn't the UV Accelerated Weathering Tester drain properly?

2022-03-22 06:04

The spray effect of UV Accelerated Weathering Tester can better simulate the real environmental conditions of the product. The spray effect is to simulate the thermal shock or mechanical erosion of the product. The spray needs to use pure water, and the equipment needs to be drained normally after the test. Of course, in this process we Normal drainage may be encountered. The following high-sky test equipment will share the solution for UV Accelerated Weathering Tester that cannot be properly drained.

Why doesn't the UV Accelerated Weathering Tester drain properly?

  1. If the resistance of the pump is normal, impurities such as iron filings may be sucked in. Please disassemble the magnetic pump body according to the method marked on the machine, install it after cleaning, and check whether it is normal. If it is still abnormal, please replace the magnetic pump.

UV Accelerated Weathering Tester

2. Check whether the pump is damaged, remove the two wires of the pump, put the multimeter on the resistance gear, and measure the resistance of the pump. If the pump resistance is normal, the normal resistance value is 1060 euros. If the circuit is open or the resistance value is too low, the pump is damaged and needs to be replaced.

3.UV Accelerated Weathering Tester heating tube is made of stainless steel tube filled with magnesium powder, if the user does not use deionized water as specified in order to save a small cost, in order to save low cost, the heating tube will be immersed in tap water under long-term high temperature , which will lead to stainless steel corrosion and rust on the surface of the heating pipe, which is very uneconomical because it is small and the loss is large.

The reasons and solutions for the UV Accelerated Weathering Tester not draining properly are roughly the above 3 points. If you want to know more about it, please leave us a message!

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