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BET Sorptometer

Description:The BET-Sorptometer is fully automated, volumetric gas sorption analyzer to measure accurately adsorption and desorption isotherms for the characterization of surface area, pore size distribution, por

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BET Sorptometer

Product Details

The BET-Sorptometer is fully automated, volumetric gas sorption analyzer to measure accurately adsorption and desorption isotherms for the characterization of surface area, pore size distribution, pore volume and pore structure of micro and mesoporous materials as well as the kinetics of adsorption.

Operation Principle

When clean surface is exposed to a gas, an adsorbed film forms on the surface. Adsorbed films also form on the surface of pores within a material and vapor can condense in the pores. At a constant temperature, the amount of adsorbed/condensed gas on a surface depends on the pressure of the gas. Measurement of the amount of adsorption/condensation as a function of pressure can give information on the pore structure. The PMI Sorptometers use gas adsorption/condensation to analyze pore characteristics. Further, measurement of pressure as a function of time provides the kinetics information of adsorption.


Porous distribution instrument is widely used in all walks of life.


· In situ outgassing: No need for extra outgassing stations

· Automated Control

· Both Single and Multi point BET

· Display of full adsorption and desorption isotherms

· BJH pore size distribution

· DFT pore size method

· Langmuir Surface Area

· deBoer t-plot method (for measurement of micro pore volume in cc/g & micropore area in m²/g)

· Microporesize distribution (by Horvath-Kawazoe method)

Pore Size Range1nm to > 200 nm 
Surface Area Range0.01 m2 / g and larger
Sample sizeDiameter larger than 1cm
Pressure rangeVacuum~1atm (14.5psi)
Pressurizing gasAny non-corrosive gas, including nitrogen, krypton, argon, ammonia
Pressure Transducer Range10 Torr - 1000 Torr
Resolution1 in 10,000
Accuracy0.15% of reading
Power Requirements110/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz, other available
Dimensions70" H x 28" W x 30 " D
Weight250 lbs

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